Last week, I had to take a sick day due to horrific allergy problems. You know what I am talking about! The runny and intermittently stopped up nose, the rattling death cough, the 'blow your head off' sneezes, and the 'brain numbing' headache. I was tired and just needed a day to rest my weary bones!
I actually slept in till noon! Such a luxury for me, BUT, it would have been so wonderful had I woken up miraculously healed. It just was not to be! So, as I lay there praying for relief, I started to look around my bedroom where I was resting…
First I looked down at the end of the bed where my tootsies were resting, and fell in love ‘all over again’ with my little toes painted with “I’m Really Not a Waitress” Red!!!! Don’t you just LOVE THAT NAME! It is crazy! I realized how fortunate I was, that even though my head felt like it was ready to explode, I had two feet that could walk, and take me to places where I felt I was needed most! Places like school, where I watch with joy, as my students sing the music I am teaching to them. Or take me to a friends house where we have huge belly laughing moments, or spend time commiserating about our ‘womanly woes', only to start another round of belly laughs. I have two feet that take me walking along our beautiful beaches! I suddenly became very crazily happy and thankful for my feet.
I looked to the right of me, and realized how thankful I was for my hot mug of chai tea (tis a passion of mine), which was helping to soothe my raspy throat! I looked at my seashell collection on my bedside table. I looked at the shells I have collected along the Gulf Coast, and I was SO thankful for the memories that each shell brought to me. I thought about whom I was with, where I was, and what we we had been doing when I found each of those lovely shells! I look at my corner bookshelf, from my childhood, that my hubby lovingly restored for me and now holds cherished pictures of my husband, my children, my cats. OH, how CRAZY blessed I am to have these invaluable treasures, my family, my pets, my friends, in my life!
And then my gaze moved further to the right, and there was my husbands’ dresser. He was of course at work, but I said a little prayer of thanksgiving for the gift I have been given in my husband! I looked with new eyes at my funky, crazy, fun painting from my friend Ellie, and was reminded of the many friends who bless my life. I saw and heard my ‘zen’ moment water fountain. I looked at beloved rock I had found on a hike (crazy, I know, but I do LOVE that rock) and the beautiful ‘under the sea lamp’ that my Mom had actually purchased for my sons’ room, but by some crazy mishap had ended up in my room! Thanks Mom~ love you!
And as my eyes moved over more, I looked at an antique chair I found at a bargain sale, and lovingly spied a teddy bear wearing my daughters christening gown, and that would be the daughter who is now a High School SENIOR! (YIKES) How thankful I am for both of my precious children, who seemingly moments ago, looked into my eyes, and made me melt with their innocence and their precious desire for me to love and care for their every need . I miss those days but I am thankful for the two fine adults I have raised and who are starting to leave the nest and create their own joyful lives.
And then to the other side of my bed… where my childhood rocking chair resides, covered in an afghan I bought at an auction. Seated on that afghan is my childhood teddy bear. My poor little teddy sits all slumped over, with fur missing from his body from where I tightly gripped him at all times, and button eyes, which my mother lovingly reattached every time he was momentarily ‘blind’. As I thought about my little bear, I realized that my love and affection, the wearing away of the fur from the hugs, the button eyes which had lovingly and repeatedly been reattached, were a very clear representation of God’s love for me. I know He holds me tightly in His arms, even as I am squirming and trying to wrestle away to strike out on my own path. And I know that when I am ‘blinded’ by a momentary lapse of faith, He is right there, ready to ‘reattach’ my eyes so I can clearly see the path I am destined for.
SO, I have visually toured my room and counted so many reasons to be thankful. I decided I would hop up out of bed and take one more picture, to remind me of the comfortable bed I had to rest in when I am sick. To be thankful for the feathery, soft pillow that will cushion my aching head. And I stood and took stock of all that was surrounding me at that very moment! I believe I was home sick that day, just so I could be reminded that life it short, and that even when I am sick, it is certainly not CRAZY to spend time in reflection and thanksgiving!
So, although I am still coughing, and sniffing and sneezing, I am rejuvenated, grateful and joyful, to be back up and around, laughing with my friends, creating with paint, canvas and brush, and loving all who surround me.
Don’t wait till you have a sick day to survey and count your blessings. “Count your blessings, name then ONE by ONE!”