Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Multiple Personalities in the form of the Seven Dwarfs! CRAZY!

YES!  I am convinced that I have a Multiple Personality Disorder that links me to most of Snow White's Seven Dwarfs!  I came to this conclusion yesterday morning when my alarm awoke me from my peaceful slumber to remind me that, TODAY, was my first day back to the 'Coal Mine'. I was SLEEPY and that alarm was a VERY clear representation of the 'whistle' blowing to call all workers back to the mine.  I must admit, in my very sleepy state, that I was bewildered, befuddled and slightly confused by this sudden awakening, and it was at that moment that I began to experience a definite personality change.  Yes, I hate to admit it, but I, like Sybil, morphed into a different character entirely.  My thought pattern changed, my attitude changed, the 'voices' in my head took on an new tone, and suddenly, I was...

GRUMPY! Oh! how I grumbled and mumbled.  I certainly did NOT deserve to be awoken from my peaceful slumber to face a day of work, especially after I had just come off of the most LOVELY of holidays!  I muttered under my breath about the injustice of having to crawl out of my warm bed, and into the chilly air of my bedroom.  I growled about having to 'get ready' for the day with 'real clothes, make up and hair done', instead of  my vacation look which included 'pajamas, no make up, and hair in a permanent ponytail'.  I growled as I stumbled down the stairs to make my coffee, and croaked as I put the mug to my lips, and then SUDDENLY, another personality shift!  What was going on?  I was seriously considering psychiatric assistance as I changed from Grumpy to....

HAPPY! As I stood there with my steaming cup of "Donut House - Cinnamon Roll' coffee in my palms, and a marvelous homemade 'vegan' blueberry muffin (yes, I am STILL sticking with my new vegan diet!),  I smelled the coffee and tasted the fresh blueberries, and I quickly became happy over the fact that I had food, a warm, delicious, fragrant cup of coffee, and a job to go to, when so many are looking for employment.  I had friends at my job, whom I respect and love, whom I had not seen since vacation started, and students who were excited to share all about their  Christmas vacations.  And, I was simply happy over the fact that I woke up to face another day!  What more does one really have to be grateful for than these comforts; family, food, friends, a home, a job, LIFE!  I was happy because I was counting even the smallest of blessings!  BUT, yet again, there was another personality change in the making. I felt my brain fighting the next personality, as if it were a force trying to take over my entire being, and indeed, a NEW and different personality emerged and  it was...

DOPEY!  Yep, that was me.  I had been away from work for 2 weeks, and I was feeling slightly nervous about going back and teaching music to my eager pupils!  Could I dredge up the excitement and enthusiasm needed to engage these eager young minds?  After all, I was feeling quite DOPEY from all of the Christmas parties, the sweets and meals, the late nights, the CHRISTMAS REVELING! Was I up to the task of 'performing' for and 'creating' an enthusiasm for music in the minds of my students?  I thought long and hard, as much as my Dopey brain would allow me, and it was at that moment the last and final personality pushed through to lay my worries to rest!  The next and final personality to present itself was...

DOC! Yes the voice of reason broke through! I had made it though my Sleepy personality, my Grumpy grumbler, my Happy 'count my blessings' dwarf, my Dopey doubting demon, and had arrived at my final destination, "DOC", the voice of reason, the purveyor of sanity in my multiple personality scenario! I thought the thoughts of a person with wisdom and insight into the mish-mash of personal transformations, and as I 'thought my thoughts' and analyzed my personalities, I came to the conclusion that, I was NOT someone going through a SYBIL LIKE MULTIPLE PERSONALITY CRISIS. I am simply a normal individual, experiencing the same thoughts and emotions that any NORMAL person experiences when being awoken at 5:15 a.m. faced with the prospect of returning to work after a wonderful two week vacation. And my logical DOC like personality also helped remind me that is just fine to experience these emotions and differences in personality. And chances are, I was still going to feel like a "SNEEZY" allergy moment some time during the day, and I may, though not likely, experience a "BASHFUL" moment! All of these multifaceted personalities, when mixed, shaken and pressed together, may look like a lump of coal from the mines, but in reality after some polishing and perfecting in the form of 'life circumstances, and 'hard knocks', NO LUMP OF COAL, but a BEAUTIFUL DIAMOND waiting to shine in all of its brilliance

We are all made up of different personalities that present themselves at different times, and that is what makes each of us so unique and so absolutely CRAZY wonderful! Rejoice in, and embrace the different facets of your personality. Work on chipping away at the rough spots and jagged edges that you don't like, and polish and perfect your best qualities, so you can reveal the INNER DIAMOND that is waiting to shine brilliantly for the world to see... your CRAZY Uniqueness!

Uniquely and Crazily Yours,
